Assessment Program

The district will use high-quality academic assessments as one indication of the success and quality of the district’s education program. Further, the Board recognizes its obligation to provide for and administer assessments as required by law.

In cooperation with the administrative and instructional staff, the Board will regularly review student performance data and use this information to evaluate the effectiveness of the district’s instructional programs, making adjustments as necessary.

The district will comply with all assessment requirements for students with disabilities mandated by federal and state law, including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

In order to achieve the purposes of the student assessment program and comply with state and federal law, the district requires all enrolled students to participate in all applicable aspects of the district assessment program, including statewide assessments.

English Proficiency Assessments
The district will annually assess the English reading, writing and oral language skills of district English Learner students in kindergarten through grade 12.

Statewide Assessments
The district will implement the components of the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) in order to monitor the progress of all students in meeting the challenging academic standards set forth by the Missouri State Board of Education. The assessments will be the same for all students in the district, including those students identified as migrant or homeless, students in foster care and students with a parent/guardian who is an active duty member of the armed forces or who serves on full-time National Guard duty.

End-of-course (EOC) assessments will be administered in accordance with law and the rules of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). In courses where EOC assessments are given, the superintendent or designee will determine what percent of the course grade will be decided by performance on EOC assessments.

National Assessment of Educational Progress
If chosen, the district will participate in the National Assessment of Educational Progress as required by law.

Parental Notice
At the beginning of each school year, the district shall notify the parents/guardians of each student that the district will provide, upon request and in a timely manner, information regarding any state or district policy regarding student participation in any assessments. Such notice shall include information about state or local policies that would allow students to opt out of assessments. Missouri has no such policy, and the district expects all students to participate in all district or statewide assessments.

Required Assessments

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