Guidelines for Summer School
1. Doors open at 7:45 am. Breakfast is served from 7:45 am to 7:58 am. Summer School classes start at 8:00 at South Middle School.
2. Transportation
- Bus Transportation is not provided for Summer Enrichment. (We will offer shuttles to and from the high school for Sports Camps.)
- Summer School dismisses promptly at 2:30 pm. Students need to have transportation ready at 2:30 pm.

3. Students participating in Summer School are expected to be in attendance every day. Perfect attendance for High School is Mandatory.
4. Conduct- Students are expected to follow all school rules. The rules during the regular school year apply during Summer Enrichment. Students are expected to stay engaged in the learning and will be held accountable for behavior that disrupts the learning of others.
5. Cell phones- Students are not allowed to have cell phones out during class unless a teacher is specifically having students use the cell phone for technology purposes. If you have an emergency ask to come to the office to make a call.
6. Dress code- The dress code addressed in the handbook from the school year is followed. No hats or hoods. Please have appropriate short length, etc. If a student violates the dress code, a parent will be asked to bring a change of clothes.
7. Lunch- Lunch will be available at school, or students can bring their own lunch. Off-campus lunch and ordering for delivery will not be permitted.
8. Dismissal- Summer Enrichment dismisses promptly at 2:30 pm daily. Please have rides ready promptly at 2:30 pm.