Bus Safety and Discipline

School Bus Riding Rules

Disorderliness on the school bus can distract the driver’s attention from their driving and become a safety hazard for the whole bus; therefore, if a student cannot comply with the bus rules, they will be issued a Bus Misconduct Notice and may be denied the privilege of riding the bus.

  1. The bus driver is in charge of the students and the bus. Students are to follow driver’s instructions on the bus, same as for a teacher in the classroom.
  2. Classroom conduct is to be observed by the students while riding the bus, except for ordinary conversation with a seatmate.
  3. The driver may assign seats as necessary for behavior related issues.
  4. Students must be on time for the bus. Students should be outside and visible at least 5 minutes before the regular pick-up time.
  5. Students must remain seated and facing forward at all times until the bus comes to a complete stop at their school or bus stop.
  6. High School and Middle School buses will have separate seating areas for boys & girls. No coed seating will be permitted.
  7. Eating & Drinking on the bus is not allowed.
  8. Students are to speak and treat each other respectfully. Profanity is not allowed.
  9. Students must not, at any time, extend arms or head out of the bus windows.
  10. No objects may be thrown on the bus or out the windows of the bus.
  11. Smoking & Tobacco products as well as E-Cigarettes are not allowed.
  12. Students are not allowed to play loud music from their devices.  Headphones only.
  13. Toys are not allowed to be out and played with on the bus.
  14. Unnecessary conversation with the driver is prohibited.
  15. Students must get on/off the bus at their designated bus stop.
  16. Students must have a ‘Bus Pass’ to ride any bus other than their assigned bus.
  17. A ‘Bus Pass’ can only be issued by the secretary at school and only with a signed note from a parent authorizing the student to ride home with another student.
  18. No animals, insects or reptiles are allowed on the bus.
  19. No glass containers are allowed on the bus.
  20. Students who must cross the road to load/unload the bus, must cross the street in front of the bus and only after the driver signals the student that it is ‘safe’ to do so.
  21. Students waiting at a bus stop should stand back and not approach the bus until it has come to a complete stop and the driver has opened the door.
  22. Sharing of inappropriate content on Cell Phone is prohibited, same as in the classroom.
  23. Masks must be worn by students at all times when mask mandates are in place for School Buses.
  24. The student discipline code will apply to students using school transportation services. This includes conduct occurring at or in the close vicinity of a bus stop while students are waiting for the bus, or immediately after the students have disembarked.

Bus Discipline

In the event that a student cannot comply with the Bus Rules, the driver can employ any /all of the following steps:

  • Verbal warning
  • Seat reassignment
  • Bus Misconduct Notice

Once a Bus Misconduct Notice is issued, the Director of Transportation will contact the parent/guardian of the student via Email and enforce the following consequences:

  • 1st Offense Parent Notification
  • 2nd Offense 1–day Bus Suspension
  • 3rd Offense 3-day Bus Suspension
  • 4th Offense 5-day Bus Suspension
  • 5th Offense 10-day Bus Suspension
  • 6th Offense 30-day Bus Suspension
  • 7th Offense Loss of Bus Riding privileges for remainder of school year

*The severity of the offense or multiple violations during a bus ride could result in the consequences being ‘stepped up’ beyond the above listed progression.

**Any incidents involving violence towards other persons or property as well as sexual harassment or possession/use of drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, weapons will be reported to school principal and or school resource officer for compliance with Missouri Safe Schools Act.

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