Sexual Harassment Under Title IX

Adapted from Policy ACA

Policy ACA adopted September 3, 2020

See the full policy language at for more details.

The Grain Valley School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its education programs and activities, including employment and admissions, as required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX). All forms of sex-based discrimination are prohibited in the district, but this policy focuses exclusively on sexual harassment as defined in Title IX that occurs within the education programs and activities of the district. However, the district will respond promptly to investigate and address any report or complaint of sexual harassment.

"Sexual harassment under Title IX" is conduct on the basis of sex within the scope of the district's education programs or activities (as defined in this policy) that satisfies one or more of the following:

  1. An employee of the district conditioning the provision of an aid, benefit or service of the district on an individual's participation in unwelcome sexual conduct;
  2. Unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the district's education program or activity; or
  3. "Sexual assault" as defined in 20 U.S.C. 1092(f)(6)(A)(v), "dating violence" as defined in 34 U.S.C. 12291(a)(10), "domestic violence" as defined in 34 U.S.C. 12291(a)(8) or "stalking" as defined in 34 U.S.C. 12291(a)(30).

If a student alleges sexual misconduct on the part of any district employee to any person employed by the district, that person will immediately report the allegation to the Children's Division (CD) of the Department of Social Services in accordance with state law and district policy. Moreover, nothing in the policy precludes the mandatory or voluntary reporting of any suspected criminal activity to the appropriate law enforcement agency at any time.

Reporting Sexual Harassment or Title IX Retaliation

Any person may report sexual harassment regardless of whether the person is the alleged victim (complainant). However, Board members and employees must immediately report to the Title IX coordinator any incident or behavior that could constitute sexual harassment or retaliation in accordance with this policy. Reports may be made at any time, including during nonbusiness hours, by using the telephone number, email address or office address listed below.

The Board authorizes the following individual(s) to serve as the Title IX coordinator(s) for the Grain Valley R-V School District and coordinate and implement the district's efforts to comply with the requirements of Title IX.
- Dr. Carrie Reich, Director of Student Services; P O Box 304, 101 NW Sni-A-Bar Parkway, Grain Valley, MO 64029; (816) 847-5006, Fax: (816) 229-4831; Contact me 

In the event the Title IX coordinator is unavailable or is the respondent to a complaint, reports should instead be directed to the compliance officer or alternate compliance officer listed in policy AC.

Title IX Coordinator training


Notice of the Policy against Discrimination on the Basis of Sex

The district will provide notice of the district's prohibition on discrimination on the basis of sex under district policy and Title IX to students, parents/guardians, employees, applicants for admission and employment, and all unions or professional associations holding collective bargaining or professional agreements with the district.

The district's policy prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex and the contact information of the Title IX coordinator(s) will be prominently displayed on the district's website and in each handbook or course catalog.

Title IX Grievance Process upon Filing of a Formal Complaint

The district's grievance process will provide a prompt and equitable resolution of complaints and will:

  1. Treat complainants and respondents equitably by providing remedies to a complainant where a determination of responsibility for sexual harassment has been made against the respondent;
  2. Comply with Title IX regulations before imposing any disciplinary sanctions or other actions that are not supportive measures against a respondent;
  3. Require a decision-maker to objectively evaluate all relevant evidence, including both inculpatory and exculpatory evidence, and not make credibility determinations based on a person's status as a complainant, respondent or witness;
  4. Require that all Title IX coordinators, investigators, those responsible for facilitating informal resolution processes and decision-makers not have a conflict of interest or bias for or against complainants or respondents generally or an individual complainant or respondent;
  5. Presume that the respondent is not responsible for the conduct until a determination of responsibility is made at the conclusion of the grievance process;
  6. Follow stated timelines unless the district temporarily delays the grievance process for good cause (including, but not limited to, the absence of a party, a party's advisor, or a witness; concurrent law enforcement activity; or the need for language assistance or accommodation of a disability) and notify the parties in writing of the reason for a delay, if any; and
  7. Not require, allow, rely upon or otherwise use questions or evidence that constitutes, or seeks disclosure of, information protected under a legally recognized privilege unless the person holding such privilege has waived the privilege.


Notice to the Parties

When the complainant files a formal complaint, written notice will be provided to all known parties and will include:

  1. Notice of the grievance process, including any informal resolution process that is available and the timeline for such process.
  2. Notice of the allegations of sexual harassment under Title IX made by the complainant with sufficient details known at the time and with sufficient time to allow the respondent to prepare before the initial interview. At a minimum, the details will include the identities of the parties involved in the incident, if known, the conduct and the date and location of the alleged incident if known.
  3. A statement that the respondent is presumed not responsible for the conduct and that a determination of responsibility will be made at the conclusion of the grievance process.
  4.  A statement that parties may have an advisor of their choice, who may be an attorney.
  5. A statement that the parties and their advisors will have an equal opportunity to inspect and review any evidence that is directly related to the allegations raised in the formal complaint, including evidence upon which the district does not intend to rely, so that each party can meaningfully respond to the evidence prior to conclusion of the investigation.
  6. Notice of any provision in the district's discipline code that prohibits knowingly making a false statement or providing false information during the grievance process.

If in the course of the investigation of sexual harassment under Title IX the district decides to investigate allegations about the complainant or respondent that were not in the initial notice, notice of the additional allegations will be provided to all known parties.

See the full policy language at for details regarding:

  • Interim Action
  • Investigating a Formal Complaint
  • Dismissal of the Formal Complaint

Decision-Maker's Findings and Resulting Remedies

Within 20 business days after the closing of the questions period, including follow-up questions, the decision-maker will provide a written Title IX decision that includes:

  1. The allegations potentially constituting sexual harassment under Title IX;
  2. A description of the procedural steps taken from the receipt of the formal complaint through the determination, including any notifications to the parties, interviews with parties and witnesses, site visits and other methods used to gather other evidence and hearings held;
  3. Findings of fact supporting the determination;
  4. Conclusions regarding the application of the facts to the district's code of conduct and, if the student code of conduct is implicated, a referral of a student respondent to district officials charged generally with the discipline of students pursuant to Missouri law;
  5. A statement of and rationale for the result as to each allegation, including a determination of responsibility, any disciplinary actions recommended to the district to be imposed on the respondent, and whether remedies designed to restore or preserve equal access to the district's education program or activity will be provided to the complainant; and
  6. The procedures and permissible bases for the complainant and respondent to appeal.

The written Title IX decision will be provided to the parties simultaneously, and a copy will be provided to the Title IX coordinator.

See the full policy language at for details regarding:

  • Finality of the Title IX Decision 
  • Disciplinary Matters and Implementation of Discipline and Remedies 
  • Appeals of the Determinations of Responsibility in the Title IX Decision 
  • Process for Informal Resolution of Formal Complaints 
  • Confidentiality


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